Thursday, June 14, 2007

Bonus on final

Remember that last question on your final exam? The one that asked you what you could do to make a home you were building more energy efficient? Well, here is a website that shows you exactly how!

Energy Efficient HOme

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Google trick for file types: your lucky day!

Ok guys this post is aimed more at my tech class teachers but maybe the rest of you can pick up a thing or two.

I was having a major hard time in finding articles on technology using google scholar until I found a nifty google trick. I noticed that most of the good articles (ones I could access)were pdf documents so I limited my searches in google to JUST pdf documents by this trick

filetypes:pdf "then whatever I wanted to search"

The phrase "filetype:" is the important part and there is no space between the colon on the type of file you are looking for. If I wanted power points, great for teachers looking for presentations I would type-

filetype:ppt "then the topic"

You don't have to put the other stuff in quotes, it will just give you an exact match.

Good luck and happy hunting:)

Friday, June 8, 2007

Hi class. So, what do you think of the new logo I designed for the class next year? Not many of you know this, but I am trying to put half of my class online next year. It is going to be challangeing but fun I think. I even learned how to use itunes... now I just need to get an ipod! (If you all want to go in on a wedding present that would be sweet!) :)

Energy Podcast

Open the radio station and press play to listen to a podcast on renewable resource news

Wireless Energy?

After spending weeks of connecting wires to make circuits and me testing you on series and parallel and voltage and... well I know you don't want to think about it. But, I did find a really great article which talks about wireless energy. They were able to power a 30 watt bulb through the air! What type of implications does this have? What markets would it help? What are some potential problems it might encounter. I know I already worry about having my laptop in my lap... now with power apparently able to radiate its way to the computer, am I in more danger?

Article through Scientific America