Thursday, June 14, 2007

Bonus on final

Remember that last question on your final exam? The one that asked you what you could do to make a home you were building more energy efficient? Well, here is a website that shows you exactly how!

Energy Efficient HOme

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Google trick for file types: your lucky day!

Ok guys this post is aimed more at my tech class teachers but maybe the rest of you can pick up a thing or two.

I was having a major hard time in finding articles on technology using google scholar until I found a nifty google trick. I noticed that most of the good articles (ones I could access)were pdf documents so I limited my searches in google to JUST pdf documents by this trick

filetypes:pdf "then whatever I wanted to search"

The phrase "filetype:" is the important part and there is no space between the colon on the type of file you are looking for. If I wanted power points, great for teachers looking for presentations I would type-

filetype:ppt "then the topic"

You don't have to put the other stuff in quotes, it will just give you an exact match.

Good luck and happy hunting:)

Friday, June 8, 2007

Hi class. So, what do you think of the new logo I designed for the class next year? Not many of you know this, but I am trying to put half of my class online next year. It is going to be challangeing but fun I think. I even learned how to use itunes... now I just need to get an ipod! (If you all want to go in on a wedding present that would be sweet!) :)

Energy Podcast

Open the radio station and press play to listen to a podcast on renewable resource news

Wireless Energy?

After spending weeks of connecting wires to make circuits and me testing you on series and parallel and voltage and... well I know you don't want to think about it. But, I did find a really great article which talks about wireless energy. They were able to power a 30 watt bulb through the air! What type of implications does this have? What markets would it help? What are some potential problems it might encounter. I know I already worry about having my laptop in my lap... now with power apparently able to radiate its way to the computer, am I in more danger?

Article through Scientific America

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Energy in our Earth?

We talked about many different energy sources throughout the last quarter. Here is another way that some of you read about but most of you looked over. It made it out as headline news...

Energy Hidden deep in our Earth

Do you think this will be a realistic option in the future?
By the way, I am getting these news articles from an RSS feed through

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Solar Powered Vatican?

HI folks, HOpe the summer is going well. The school has me sent down to a technology conference this week so my summer hasn't begun yet. But, I am learning some cool things for next year. I found this article while looking at RSS feeds and thought it was interesting especially considering the conversations we have had. The Pope apparently is encouraging people to take care of the planet and the Vatican is considering a switch to solar power!

Check out the article

Have you seen any other historic buildings making these same changes? Does it have the same impact than if the Pope himself is recommending it?

Sunday, June 3, 2007

McConnel Pics


Hi. Welcome to my very first Blog. Today is the first day of summer vacation and I miss my students so much I decided to create a blog to upload some great pictures we took this year and to share ideas for next year. Enjoy the pictures and feel free to share in your summer adventures! If anyone comes accross cool games that remind you of what we did last year (like the toy making game some of you were talking about) please share!